Monday, April 20, 2020

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

We are not meeting online today.

Take the End of Unit if you haven't already. Go to Schoology under ALEKS.

The End of Unit 2 Test is available on ALEKS today. You can access it in Schoology. You have until 11:59 pm(almost midnight) on Tuesday to access it. Remember, it needs to be done in one sitting. You have 3 hours to do 11 questions. You will have the opportunity to do 1 quick retake on questions you missed after it is scored when you submit it. You must do this then, while you still have the test open.

We are not meeting online today. 

This is optional to get started today if you would like a head start. We will work on it together in class when we meet. Click HERE for Practice worksheet for quiz on Pythagorean theorem , special right triangles and triangle congruency. 

We are not meeting online today.

Just catch up on work today and take the End of Unit if you haven't already. Go to Schoology under ALEKS.
The End of Unit 2 Test is available on ALEKS today. You can access it in Schoology. You have until 11:59 pm(almost midnight) on Tuesday to access it. Remember, it needs to be done in one sitting. You have 3 hours to do 11 questions. You will have the opportunity to do 1 quick retake on questions you missed after it is scored when you submit it. You must do this then, while you still have the test open.